Working with Corrosive Substances

corrosive substances course

Working with Corrosive Substances

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces concepts and principles that can prevent serious health risks to workers due to exposure to corrosives. This course introduces the proper protection practices from corrosive

scrap tire structures

Scrap Tire Earth Retaining Structures

COURSE DESCRIPTION Throughout the United States and Canada, millions of waste tires are generated each year. Huge stockpiles of waste tires represent an enormous depot of lost energy, materials, and

Removal of Small Dams

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is based on the publication “Removal of Small Dams in Oregon, A Guide for Project Managers”. It is used with permission of the author, Denise Hoffert,

Wet Floodproofing for Homes

Wet Floodproofing for Homes

Wet floodproofing can be defined as permanent or contingent measures applied to a structure and/or its contents that prevent or provide resistance to damage from flooding by allowing floodwater to

Course on Repairing Flood Damaged Homes

Repairing Flood Damaged Homes

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will introduce you to the principles and practices of repairing a flooded home. During the initial visit to a flood-damaged home, the situation often appears overwhelming.

Dam owners manual

Dam Owner’s Safety Manual

COURSE DESCRIPTION Dam Owner’s Safety Manual This course introduces the principles and practices of dam safety from a dam owner’s perspective. It has been widely recognized by researchers in several

A Guide to Asbestos in Industry

A Guide to Asbestos in Industry

COURSE DESCRIPTION Asbestos was once thought to be the perfect material to deal with many construction needs. It’s tough, high-tensile strength and its resistance to heat and chemical stresses were