Dry Flood Proofing Homes

dry floodproofing homes

Dry Flood Proofing Homes

COURSE DESCRIPTION Dry flood proofing can be described as a combination of operations plans, adjustments, alterations, and/or additions to buildings that lower the potential for flood damage by reducing the

guide to electrical safety

A Guide to Electrical Safety

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is based on the publication, A Guide to Electrical Safety. The techniques and methodologies described in this course document are applicable to most areas in the

scrap tire structures

Scrap Tire Earth Retaining Structures

COURSE DESCRIPTION Throughout the United States and Canada, millions of waste tires are generated each year. Huge stockpiles of waste tires represent an enormous depot of lost energy, materials, and

Basic Principles of Stream Restoration

Basic Principles of Stream Restoration

COURSE DESCRIPTION Streams and rivers serve many purposes, including water supply, wildlife habitat, energy generation, transportation and recreation. A stream is a dynamic, complex system that includes not only the