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Safe Storage of Explosive Materials

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This course introduces the basic concepts of safe storage of explosive materials and the importance of doing so to protect employees and the public. Proper storage prevents unauthorized access to explosive materials and reduces their deterioration. All explosive materials, including blasting agents, detonators, detonating cord, boosters, blasting caps, and electric and nonelectric detonators should be stored in magazines. The magazines should be properly designed and located to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations.

Employers and employees who store and handle explosives accept a great responsibility. The safety and lives of others can depend on how well they guard against the theft, loss or accidental detonation of explosive materials. Oversights, mistakes or lack of proper knowledge could lead to tragedy. Such tragedies can be avoided by building proper storage magazines and by following proper safety and security procedures.

This guide introduces information on the safe and proper storage of different types and amounts of explosive materials. Several charts included in this guide can help the reader find information relating directly to specific situations. This course is based on the document “A Guide to Safe Storage of Explosive Materials” by the N.C. Department of Labor (NCDOL). The NCDOL document is based on OSHA standards for blasting. This guide is intended to be consistent with all existing OSHA standards; therefore, if any area is considered by the reader to be inconsistent with a standard (including but not limited to13 NCAC 7F.0201(5)), then the OSHA standard should be followed.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end and is intended to provide 2 hours of professional development.

After the successful completion of this course, the student will have learned or been exposed to the following:

• Regulations governing storage of explosive materials
• Classes of explosive materials
• Types of magazines
• Storage of different classes of explosive materials
• Construction of magazines
• Specifications for each type of magazine
• Specifications for bullet resistant construction
• Uses of magazines
• Location of magazines

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