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Dry Flood Proofing Homes

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Dry flood proofing can be described as a combination of operations plans, adjustments, alterations, and/or additions to buildings that lower the potential for flood damage by reducing the frequency of floodwaters entering the structure. When dry flood proofing is an option, the most obvious advantage is that flood waters remain outside the home elimination the physical damage and contamination that go with flooding. Many homes are not candidates for dry flood proofing due to flotation forces, space constraints and other reasons covered in this course. This course helps determine which homes are candidates for dry flood proofing.

This course is based on the FEMA publication, Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Homes, Chapter 5 Dry Flood proofing and the case study on the Borges residence from Chapter 6 of the same document.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end which is intended to provide 6 hours of professional development.

At the conclusion of this course, the student will have learned or been exposed to the following concepts:
• Basic principles of protecting homes from flooding
• Determining if a home is a candidate for dry flood proofing
• Flotation forces on dry flood proofed homes
• Selection and design of sealant systems
• Selection and design of shield systems
• Construction considerations of sealant systems
• Construction considerations of shield systems
• Drainage collection systems
• Back flow valves
• Emergency power

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