Relocation of a home to a new site above the design flood elevation (DFE) can offer the greatest security from future flooding.
Relocation involves moving an entire structure to another location. Selection of the new site is usually conducted by the homeowner, often in consultation with a design professional to ensure that critical site selection factors such as floodplain location, accessibility, utility service, cost, and homeowner preference meet engineering and local regulatory concerns. Relocation as a retrofitting measure not only relieves anxiety about future flooding, but also offers the opportunity to reduce future flood insurance premiums. This information in this course could also be useful in relocation projects that do not involve flood protection.
This course is based on the FEMA publication, Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures, Chapter 5R Relocation and a Case Study No1. from Chapter 6 of the same publication. It is intended to provide knowledge that may be used to protect residential structures from flooding by relocating the home.
This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end and is intended to provide 4 hours of professional development.
Course Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
At the conclusion of this course, the student will have learned or been exposed to the following:
• Selecting the house moving contractor
• Analyzing the existing home
• Selecting the new site
• Analyzing the new site
• Designing the new site
• Preparing the existing site
• Analyzing and prepare the moving route
• Preparing the moving route
• Preparing the home for moving
• Preparing the new site
• Moving the home
• Restoring the old site