Elevating Homes for Flood Protection

Course on Raising a house for flood protection

Elevating Homes for Flood Protection

COURSE DESCRIPTION One of the most common of all retrofitting techniques is to raise an entire existing superstructure above the Design Flood Elevation (DFE). When properly done, the elevation of

pdhclass.com guide to transportation safety

A Guide to Transportation Safety

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is based on the publication, A Guide to Transportation Safety. The techniques and methodologies described in this course document are applicable to most areas in the

combustible dusts

A Guide to Combustible Dusts

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course emphasizes occupational safety. Employers should be aware of workplace hazards facing their employees and take appropriate action to minimize or eliminate exposure to these hazards. This

corrosive substances course

Working with Corrosive Substances

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces concepts and principles that can prevent serious health risks to workers due to exposure to corrosives. This course introduces the proper protection practices from corrosive

scrap tire structures

Scrap Tire Earth Retaining Structures

COURSE DESCRIPTION Throughout the United States and Canada, millions of waste tires are generated each year. Huge stockpiles of waste tires represent an enormous depot of lost energy, materials, and