Wood – A Guide to Fire Safety in Construction
COURSE DESCRIPTION Fire safety is an important concern in all types of construction. The high level of national concern for fire safety is reflected in limitations and design requirements in
COURSE DESCRIPTION Fire safety is an important concern in all types of construction. The high level of national concern for fire safety is reflected in limitations and design requirements in
COURSE DESCRIPTION Dry flood proofing can be described as a combination of operations plans, adjustments, alterations, and/or additions to buildings that lower the potential for flood damage by reducing the
COURSE DESCRIPTION One of the most common of all retrofitting techniques is to raise an entire existing superstructure above the Design Flood Elevation (DFE). When properly done, the elevation of
COURSE DESCRIPTION No matter the type of facility, fire protection is of the utmost concern during the construction process. For Department of Defense (DOD) facilities, this is doubly true as
COURSE DESCRIPTION Tornadoes cause heavy loss of life and property damage throughout much of the United States. Ideally, a specially designed safe room or storm shelter offers the best protection
Wet floodproofing can be defined as permanent or contingent measures applied to a structure and/or its contents that prevent or provide resistance to damage from flooding by allowing floodwater to
COURSE DESCRIPTION Relocation of a home to a new site above the design flood elevation (DFE) can offer the greatest security from future flooding. Relocation involves moving an entire structure
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will introduce you to the principles and practices of repairing a flooded home. During the initial visit to a flood-damaged home, the situation often appears overwhelming.
COURSE DESCRIPTION Crawlspace foundations are commonly used to elevate the lowest floors of residential buildings located in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA’s) above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). This course
COURSE DESCRIPTION Wildfires are a common, natural, and essential occurrence in the forests, woodlands, brushlands, and grasslands of the United States and Canada. When conditions are acceptable, fire professionals use